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Nature's Essence Blood Tonic Syrup, more info

Traditional Use
Dong Quai Blood tonic. Traditional use to tonify the blood, promote blood circulation, relieve pain and various special problems of women. 
Rehmannia Blood tonic. Traditional use to nourish blood, tonify "yin", replenish the vital essence and marrow
Equus asinus linnaeus Blood tonic. Traditional use to tonify the blood, arrest bleeding, nourish "yin"
White peony root Blood tonic. Traditional use to nourish the blood, balance menstruation, reinforce "yin", nourish the liver.
Ligusticum chuanxiong hort Circulation promoter. Traditional use to promote blood circulation and flow of vital energy
Codonopsi Vital energy tonic. Traditional use to replenish vital energy, nourish the blood. invigorate the spleen, promote the production of body fluid.
Astragalus Vital energy tonic. Traditional use to tonify the vital energy, strengthen the "yang" and defensive energy
Liquorice root Vital energy tonic. Traditional use to replenish vital energy, invigorate the spleen, clear away "heat" and toxins, moderate properties of other herbs
Honey Vital energy tonic. Traditional use to invigorate the spleen, strengthen the stomach, moisten the lung
Smilax glabra roxb Circulation promoter. Traditional use to invigorate the spleen, excrete dampness, reinforce the heart, tranquilize mind.
Structure function relationship of
nutritional support to anemia

Blood making process (hemopoiesis) and organs important for blood health.

The hemopoiesis    Blood cells are generated from bone marrow through a process called hemopoiesis which is a series of  cell proliferation and differentiation. Hemopoiesis has  three phases: 1) from a pluripotent stem cell to a multipotent stem cell for blood cells (CFU-GEMM) or to a lymphoid for lymphocytes, 2) from a multipotent stem cell to a committed erythroid in two steps, first into a burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E),  and then a colony-forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E), 3) from CFU-E to mature red blood cells in multiple steps under the control of a hormone erythropoietin produced by the kidney and the liver.

The important organs    At least, there are other three organs whose health are also critical for production and health of blood cells, namely, intestine, kidney and liver. The intestine absorbs iron, vitamin B12, and other nutrients necessary for production of normal blood cell. The liver stores iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. The liver also produces about 10% of blood production hormone erythropoietin. The kidney produces 90% of blood production hormone erythropoietin. Thus, disorders in any of these organs could induce anemia.

Nutrients and their function    Iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid are known nutrients necessary for blood production. However, they have no stimulating effects on hemopoiesis at all. Iron is a component of hemoglobin. While iron deficiency may limits blood production, excessive intake of iron can only be toxic rather than promoting the desired production of blood cells. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are essential for synthesizing component of DNA. Their deficiency results in adnormalities in DNA synthesis, and affects all of the cell renewal systems, including blood cells. However, like iron, extra intake of vitamin B12 and folic acid does not stimulate blood production. All of the three nutrients are absorbed through gastrointestinal system, and stored in the liver. Deficiencies of the nutrients could be resulted from disorders of the organs rather than short in diet supply.

Physiological factors    Women have a special concern, the menstruation, which results in losing blood, and particularly, in abnormal menstruation. In USA and other developed countries, between 10% to 20% of women of childbearing age are anemic.

Summary    Blood production and blood health are not only the function of bone marrow, or availabilities of certain nutrients, but also the result of coordinated function of different organs of the body.

Effects of Nature's Essence™ Blood Tonic Syrup on production and health of blood cells.

Experiments have demonstrated that ingredients of Nature's Essence™ Blood Tonic Syrup can promote production of blood cells in all three stages of hemopoiesis, and contribute to the health of the related organs. These beneficial effects result in fundamental improvement of health condition of the body and naturally relieve anemia.

Effects on blood making process    Specific ingredients of Nature's Essence™ Blood Tonic Syrup that were experimentally observed to promote production and maturation of blood cells in different stages of hemopoiesis are summarized in following table.

Blood cells in different stages of hemopoiesis Plruipotent stem cells CFU-GEMM, BFU-E CFU-E Red blood cells
Ingredient observed to promote production of the blood cells Dang quai(1) 
Dang quai 
Dang quai 
Dang quai(1) 
Equus asinus linnaeus(3) 
(1) The effects of Dang quai are more significant when peripheral blood cells are decreased, or when bone marrow is inhibited.
(2) Astragalus promotes generation and maturation of various kinds of cells including blood cells. It is noteworthy that it promotes production of DNA of bone marrow stem cells.
(3) Equus asinus linnaeus promotes production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
(4) Codonopsi increases red blood cells as well as hemochrome

Effects on organs related to production and health of blood cells    Specific ingredients of Nature's Essence Blood Tonic Syrup and their effects, observed experimentally or clinically, on blood cells and organs related to hemopoiesis are summarized in the following table.

  Blood cells, system gastrointestinal system The kidney The liver
Dang Quai protect from being damaged by oxidant. reduce MDA on sickle cells, inhibit platelet aggregation, anti-thrombosis Moisture gut, reported to be clinically(1) used in treating acute gastritis.    Maintain normal function and protect cells from being damaged by oxidant
Astragalus     Improve the function, experimentally observed, and clinically used to relieve nephritis Protect from damage by ClC4, clinically used to impove the function and treat hepatitis. 
Codonopsi anti-thrombosis Anti-ulcer, protect from damage of stomach mucosa     
Ligusticum Chuanxiong hort Anti-hemolysis, inhibit platelet aggregation, anti-thrombosis   Increase blood circulation  
Smilax glabra roxb   Relax intestine, reduce stomach acid    Protect from damage by ClC4
Liquorice   Anti-ulcer, spasmolysis reduce stomach acid,    Protect from damages
white peomy   Spasmolysis   Protect from damages
Honey   Moisture intestine    
(1) The term "clinic" in this table refers to the practical use in traditional Chinese medicine.

Effect on menstruation    The formula of Nature's Essence™ Blood Tonic Syrup includes the most well known "Four Plant Soap", namely, Dong Quai, White peony root, Rehmannia and Ligusticum Chuanxiong hort. This "Four Plant Soup" is well known for its beneficial effects and traditional uses for health of menstruation circle. Experimentally, it was observed that Dang Quai can dual directionally regulate the status of myometrum of uterus.

Summary    No single part of the body can function by its own with physiological meaning. Production and health of blood involve, at least but not limited to, four organs, e.g., bone marrow, gastrointestinal system, the liver and the kidney. Disorder in any of these organs could affect blood conditions and result in anemia. Nature's Essenceā„¢ Blood Tonic Syrup approaches the problem of blood production and health by fundamentally improving health of the related organs, so that anemia is naturally relieved. This is what it distinct from any other supplements of  iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid.

Data provided above are all based on peer reviewed published literatures. No statements have been evaluation by FDA. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

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